How To Beat Slots

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  • Have you ever looked at a particular slots game and thought to yourself: How can I beat that?

  • Have you ever thought about how to get maximum payouts from pokies?

  • You've come to the right place. Here we outline some hugely effective tips, tricks, and solid verifiable methods on how to win big at the slots.

  1. App To Beat Slot Machines
  2. How To Beat Slots At Casino
  3. How To Beat Slots Videos
  4. See Full List On

Don't even waste your time on other guides. We tell you everything you need to know right here, right now.

App To Beat Slot Machines

By playing any such slot machines for just a few spins, it was then possible to work out whether the slot machines was about to pay-out, and players would be able to work out when to click onto the spin button at just the right time that a random number would be selected that had a winning combination attached to it. New slot machine players are going to find a lot of advice for beating the slots. Have a healthy skepticism when a slots expert tells you they know how to beat the slot machines. Among the games in a casino, video slots.

The information we provide here is gathered from our collective years of experience playing pokies online and in the real world. We cover everything including:

  • Fundamental, basic, no-brainer tips that you may have neglected
  • Best-kept secrets that casinos don't want you to know about

For this article, I've poured through the seemingly endless slot machine tips and tricks out there, done a bit of experimenting myself, and come up with a list of the simplest, most effective ways how to win at slots. Slot machine tips that really work! Effective slots strategy means giving yourself the advantage. That leads us to tip number 1. How to Beat Slots: Tips for Recreational Players. A recreational gambler who enjoys playing slots, and expects to play slots regularly over a period of many years, would probably do better over the long term playing only progressive jackpot slots.

Right from the start, we would like to tell you that this is not a quick, step-by-step guide on how to cash out big at every single slots machine you play. If that is what you are looking for…you will probably be disappointed.

Instead, what we present to you is a collection of best practices and slots selection and playing methods that will greatly increase your chances of making some money. So if you have the right expectations–not of making millions–but turning a decent profit from the highly enjoyable pursuit of playing slots, read on…

Increasing your chances of winning at slots

When to double down in blackjack chart. Now honestly: what is the main reason why you play slots?

Like most people, the answer is probably: to win some money.

Sure, there is no denying that slots is fun, that you do it for the excitement, etc. etc., blah , blah, blah. We're the same way ourselves. But you would be lying if you said that money–or rather, the chance to win some of it–doesn't factor into your playing in a big way.

Unfortunately, things don't often go according to plan. In most cases, what happens is something like this:

  • You play the pokies
  • You win some money, or more likely, lose some
  • You play again
  • You lose ALL your money
  • You give up…until the next time you lose again
How to beat slots in laughlin casino

How To Beat Slots At Casino

That's EXACTLY what this article will help you avoid.

There are many mistakes that people make when they play the slots, from improperly managing their bankrolls to choosing the wrong games, and so on.

If you want to get off that merry-go-round of playing the slots, losing money, and playing some more, you will have to take the following steps:

  • Assess your playing habits/methods
  • Realize what you are doing wrong
  • Do something different

How do you go about that? Well, we'll show you!

This guide is arranged into the following sections for clarity and organization. We suggest you go through each section, learn the rudiments by heart, then read them again.

  • Getting one over the slots system
  • Choosing the most favorable slots
  • Effective slots playing–and winning–strategies
  • Slots secrets for mobile players
  • Determining a slots machine's payout potential

Getting one over the slots system

The most important thing to realize is that all casinos operate on a system. This system is geared toward making them earn the most money from you as possible.

Of course, the flip side is that the system is also designed so that you lose as much money as possible.

Realizing this system is the single most important lesson you can learn about increasing your chances of winning at the slots. Know it cold, let it inform every decision you make, and you will be halfway to shaking off your losing streak.

Typical casino floor

So what is this system exactly? And is it beatable?

The next time you walk into a casino or log in to your favorite online gambling site, take note of the slots that immediately catch your attention. Chances are, these are the ones that the casino wants you to play in.

The reason? They aren't likely to pay off as frequently as the other games!

Of course, most ‘reputable' casinos will make claims about 'fair and impartial results', and 'random number generators', and the like.

But one thing they won't tell you is that the games themselves are set up in such a way that most players are instinctively drawn to low-payout games without thinking.

How do they do that? There are many ways by which casinos subconsciously influence you into favoring certain machines over others:

  • Loud sounds
  • Flashy graphics
  • Impressive numbers (player counts, payoff percentages, jackpots, etc.)
  • Placement or positioning

All these techniques and more are utilized so that players like you are automatically drawn to the games that the casino wants you to play. More often than not, those are the games that leave you broke sooner or later.

Ask yourself this:

  • Is there any particular reason why some games seem more appealing than others?
  • Would I be better off playing something else?

The answer to both those questions–and the key to winning at the slots–is a resounding 'Yes!'

Choosing the most favorable slots

So what is the big secret about slots games? Why are slots games placed where they are on the casino floor or on the pages of a casino website?

You would be surprised to know just how carefully casino owners plan out game presentation. There is a system for arranging games and positioning them, and it is never random.

In general, casinos want you to go for the large jackpot machines. This is why they are typically placed in a prominent spot. Whether they are on the center of the floor in a brick-and-mortar casino or right at the top of the homepage of a casino website, the goal is to grab your attention and get you pumping the coins in.

The trick is that these games are those that can be classified as 'tight', which means that there is much less chance of you making money off them as compared to ‘loose' games.

Essentially, these games lure you in with the promise of a huge jackpot and bonuses out the wazoo. Unfortunately, the promise ultimately means squat, because you have about as much chance of hitting the Big Money as of the machine getting up and walking out the door.

The bottom-line is: casinos already know which slots are 'tight' and which ones are 'loose'. Real life slots. Care to guess which ones they want you to play in?

Loose vs. tight

Okay, so 'tight' equals 'bad' and 'loose' equals 'good', right?

But how do you figure out which one is which?

The clue often lies in the placement.

How To Beat Slots Videos

  • Is the game prominently displayed on the front page of the website or is it two pages back?
  • Is the game located on the mid or the end of a row?
  • Is the game set near the buffet or bar, or is it off to one corner near the kitchen or restroom?
  • Does the game offer the promise of an outrageously tempting jackpot or does it pay off in pennies?

Answering these questions should tell you all you need to know about whether or not a casino wants you to play a particular game.

Things aren't always what they seem at the casinos

Effective slots playing–and winning–strategies

So let's get down to brass tacks. Now that you know the system, how do you go about beating it?

Haunted house casino game. Doing so requires a three-pronged method consisting of the following:

  • Learn as much as you can about the games
  • Resist the urge to play what the casino wants you to play
  • Always revise your playing methods/practices

Learn as much as you can about the games

Just as a general would never go into battle without knowing the enemy, so too should you refrain from playing the slots until you know what you are up against.

It is your job to know about the payoff percentages, the jackpots, and the player counts of a game. You can't expect a casino to spoon-feed you this info. Even if they do, it is advisable to take official stats with a grain of salt.

Resist the urge to play what the casino wants you to play

You already know what the casinos want you to play. With the information that you have learned thus far, make your own decisions. Rely on your knowledge and your informed instincts, and do what seems right for YOU.

Always assess and revise your playing strategy

No strategy is iron-clad. If something just isn't working out, it would be utter folly to keep doing the same thing over and over again. Assess your playing methods and practices, and determine whether or not something needs changing. Eventually, you will hit on the winning formula.

Slots secrets for mobile players

'What about mobile players,' you might ask. 'Surely there are some strategies that would help them get the better of slots games too?'

The flashiest slots aren't always the best options

You are absolutely right. Mobile players deserve to get the better of slots every bit as much as desktop players and bettors at brick-and-mortar casinos.

The good news is that many of the same methods used by successful casino players apply to mobile players as well. This includes such strategies as:

  • Identifying and playing the ‘loose' games
  • Ignoring the most popular games
  • Going for the less-favored games

In fact, pretty much all the methods outlined in the previous sections can be employed to get one up over the mobile slots. Just remember this important detail: if a mobile casino seems overly eager to have you play a particular game, it would be best to try something else.

Determining a slots machine's payout potential

Finally, this section goes over some tips on how to tell whether or not a particular slot machine has a high payout potential.

  • Avoid the flashiest and most people game
  • Choose a slots game that you know to be ‘loose'
  • In a brick-and-mortar casino, check out the games played by the calm and focused players
  • Choose the games that most everyone ignores

That's it! With any luck–and with the help of the information provided–you will hopefully know how to:

  • Choose the right slots machines
  • Tailor your playing strategy to win more and lose less
  • Get the better of the slots games
  • Increase your chances of winning

Now get out there (or get online) and make some money!

Wild Joker Casino Play awesome recently added Pokies

Penny slots. This is the one game at the casino that everyone from the broke 21 year-old newbie to the veteran 75-year-old grandma can afford and play.

However, even though penny slots are one of the most popular games at any casino, it's amazing how many people still aren't sure how and where to play them. Lucky for you, that's what we're here for.

Here are 3 key tips to help you take down those penny slots and get the best ROI on your investment.

Max Bet

Always max bet. If you ever think about not max betting, just get up and walk out of the casino. If you're playing penny slots, the only way you can get a max return on your investment is to wager max bets. You aren't sure when you'll spin a winner, but when you eventually do, you'd absolutely hate it if your winnings totaled to a grand 50 cents.

Additionally, many times you'll get additional spins once you win and a max bet can net you up to 10,000 free spins depending on the casino. You can do a lot of damage in 10,000 spins so just keep the game going as long as you can to give yourself the opportunity to cash in big.

Matching Deposit Bonus

This is very common for online casinos, but it's becoming more and more prevalent in land-based casinos as well. If a casino offers a free cash bonus, like any sane person, you should jump on this offer (just be sure to read the terms of the bonus, that is always good practice.) For example, some casinos will offer you a 100% matching bonus, which means if you deposit $200 into the machine, the casino will match and bring your total deposit to $400. The best part about this type of bonus is that you have no choice but to deposit anyway, so this is really a no-lose, best case scenario type of bonus.

Look around and make sure you head to a casino that A) matches up to 100% of your deposit and B) does it more than once. Some casinos will re-top you up on your 2nd deposit as well.

Payout Percentages Are King Play ps3 emulator.

See Full List On

In addition to the deposit bonuses, you also want to play at a casino that's known for its high payout percentage for real money slots players. Think of it this way – you would much rather go to a restaurant with the best food, right? Or you'd rather go see a sports game that features the best teams playing it. This is the exact same concept.

Why go to a casino that pays its slot players less than its competitor? Look around, check online for casino payout percentages, and work your way to the highest one. All of this work needs to be done before you even walk in and pull a lever on a machine, so you pre-assessment is absolutely key to your success. You don't want to sink your chances of winning before you even get started!

There you have it. Follow these three steps and maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to cash in on your penny investment and become the godfather of Las Vegas for an entire weekend. If you want to hone your skills, may we suggest playing at Slots of Vegas casino today

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Slots for Dummies: 5 Things You Should Know


How To Beat Slots At Casino

That's EXACTLY what this article will help you avoid.

There are many mistakes that people make when they play the slots, from improperly managing their bankrolls to choosing the wrong games, and so on.

If you want to get off that merry-go-round of playing the slots, losing money, and playing some more, you will have to take the following steps:

  • Assess your playing habits/methods
  • Realize what you are doing wrong
  • Do something different

How do you go about that? Well, we'll show you!

This guide is arranged into the following sections for clarity and organization. We suggest you go through each section, learn the rudiments by heart, then read them again.

  • Getting one over the slots system
  • Choosing the most favorable slots
  • Effective slots playing–and winning–strategies
  • Slots secrets for mobile players
  • Determining a slots machine's payout potential

Getting one over the slots system

The most important thing to realize is that all casinos operate on a system. This system is geared toward making them earn the most money from you as possible.

Of course, the flip side is that the system is also designed so that you lose as much money as possible.

Realizing this system is the single most important lesson you can learn about increasing your chances of winning at the slots. Know it cold, let it inform every decision you make, and you will be halfway to shaking off your losing streak.

Typical casino floor

So what is this system exactly? And is it beatable?

The next time you walk into a casino or log in to your favorite online gambling site, take note of the slots that immediately catch your attention. Chances are, these are the ones that the casino wants you to play in.

The reason? They aren't likely to pay off as frequently as the other games!

Of course, most ‘reputable' casinos will make claims about 'fair and impartial results', and 'random number generators', and the like.

But one thing they won't tell you is that the games themselves are set up in such a way that most players are instinctively drawn to low-payout games without thinking.

How do they do that? There are many ways by which casinos subconsciously influence you into favoring certain machines over others:

  • Loud sounds
  • Flashy graphics
  • Impressive numbers (player counts, payoff percentages, jackpots, etc.)
  • Placement or positioning

All these techniques and more are utilized so that players like you are automatically drawn to the games that the casino wants you to play. More often than not, those are the games that leave you broke sooner or later.

Ask yourself this:

  • Is there any particular reason why some games seem more appealing than others?
  • Would I be better off playing something else?

The answer to both those questions–and the key to winning at the slots–is a resounding 'Yes!'

Choosing the most favorable slots

So what is the big secret about slots games? Why are slots games placed where they are on the casino floor or on the pages of a casino website?

You would be surprised to know just how carefully casino owners plan out game presentation. There is a system for arranging games and positioning them, and it is never random.

In general, casinos want you to go for the large jackpot machines. This is why they are typically placed in a prominent spot. Whether they are on the center of the floor in a brick-and-mortar casino or right at the top of the homepage of a casino website, the goal is to grab your attention and get you pumping the coins in.

The trick is that these games are those that can be classified as 'tight', which means that there is much less chance of you making money off them as compared to ‘loose' games.

Essentially, these games lure you in with the promise of a huge jackpot and bonuses out the wazoo. Unfortunately, the promise ultimately means squat, because you have about as much chance of hitting the Big Money as of the machine getting up and walking out the door.

The bottom-line is: casinos already know which slots are 'tight' and which ones are 'loose'. Real life slots. Care to guess which ones they want you to play in?

Loose vs. tight

Okay, so 'tight' equals 'bad' and 'loose' equals 'good', right?

But how do you figure out which one is which?

The clue often lies in the placement.

How To Beat Slots Videos

  • Is the game prominently displayed on the front page of the website or is it two pages back?
  • Is the game located on the mid or the end of a row?
  • Is the game set near the buffet or bar, or is it off to one corner near the kitchen or restroom?
  • Does the game offer the promise of an outrageously tempting jackpot or does it pay off in pennies?

Answering these questions should tell you all you need to know about whether or not a casino wants you to play a particular game.

Things aren't always what they seem at the casinos

Effective slots playing–and winning–strategies

So let's get down to brass tacks. Now that you know the system, how do you go about beating it?

Haunted house casino game. Doing so requires a three-pronged method consisting of the following:

  • Learn as much as you can about the games
  • Resist the urge to play what the casino wants you to play
  • Always revise your playing methods/practices

Learn as much as you can about the games

Just as a general would never go into battle without knowing the enemy, so too should you refrain from playing the slots until you know what you are up against.

It is your job to know about the payoff percentages, the jackpots, and the player counts of a game. You can't expect a casino to spoon-feed you this info. Even if they do, it is advisable to take official stats with a grain of salt.

Resist the urge to play what the casino wants you to play

You already know what the casinos want you to play. With the information that you have learned thus far, make your own decisions. Rely on your knowledge and your informed instincts, and do what seems right for YOU.

Always assess and revise your playing strategy

No strategy is iron-clad. If something just isn't working out, it would be utter folly to keep doing the same thing over and over again. Assess your playing methods and practices, and determine whether or not something needs changing. Eventually, you will hit on the winning formula.

Slots secrets for mobile players

'What about mobile players,' you might ask. 'Surely there are some strategies that would help them get the better of slots games too?'

The flashiest slots aren't always the best options

You are absolutely right. Mobile players deserve to get the better of slots every bit as much as desktop players and bettors at brick-and-mortar casinos.

The good news is that many of the same methods used by successful casino players apply to mobile players as well. This includes such strategies as:

  • Identifying and playing the ‘loose' games
  • Ignoring the most popular games
  • Going for the less-favored games

In fact, pretty much all the methods outlined in the previous sections can be employed to get one up over the mobile slots. Just remember this important detail: if a mobile casino seems overly eager to have you play a particular game, it would be best to try something else.

Determining a slots machine's payout potential

Finally, this section goes over some tips on how to tell whether or not a particular slot machine has a high payout potential.

  • Avoid the flashiest and most people game
  • Choose a slots game that you know to be ‘loose'
  • In a brick-and-mortar casino, check out the games played by the calm and focused players
  • Choose the games that most everyone ignores

That's it! With any luck–and with the help of the information provided–you will hopefully know how to:

  • Choose the right slots machines
  • Tailor your playing strategy to win more and lose less
  • Get the better of the slots games
  • Increase your chances of winning

Now get out there (or get online) and make some money!

Wild Joker Casino Play awesome recently added Pokies

Penny slots. This is the one game at the casino that everyone from the broke 21 year-old newbie to the veteran 75-year-old grandma can afford and play.

However, even though penny slots are one of the most popular games at any casino, it's amazing how many people still aren't sure how and where to play them. Lucky for you, that's what we're here for.

Here are 3 key tips to help you take down those penny slots and get the best ROI on your investment.

Max Bet

Always max bet. If you ever think about not max betting, just get up and walk out of the casino. If you're playing penny slots, the only way you can get a max return on your investment is to wager max bets. You aren't sure when you'll spin a winner, but when you eventually do, you'd absolutely hate it if your winnings totaled to a grand 50 cents.

Additionally, many times you'll get additional spins once you win and a max bet can net you up to 10,000 free spins depending on the casino. You can do a lot of damage in 10,000 spins so just keep the game going as long as you can to give yourself the opportunity to cash in big.

Matching Deposit Bonus

This is very common for online casinos, but it's becoming more and more prevalent in land-based casinos as well. If a casino offers a free cash bonus, like any sane person, you should jump on this offer (just be sure to read the terms of the bonus, that is always good practice.) For example, some casinos will offer you a 100% matching bonus, which means if you deposit $200 into the machine, the casino will match and bring your total deposit to $400. The best part about this type of bonus is that you have no choice but to deposit anyway, so this is really a no-lose, best case scenario type of bonus.

Look around and make sure you head to a casino that A) matches up to 100% of your deposit and B) does it more than once. Some casinos will re-top you up on your 2nd deposit as well.

Payout Percentages Are King Play ps3 emulator.

See Full List On

In addition to the deposit bonuses, you also want to play at a casino that's known for its high payout percentage for real money slots players. Think of it this way – you would much rather go to a restaurant with the best food, right? Or you'd rather go see a sports game that features the best teams playing it. This is the exact same concept.

Why go to a casino that pays its slot players less than its competitor? Look around, check online for casino payout percentages, and work your way to the highest one. All of this work needs to be done before you even walk in and pull a lever on a machine, so you pre-assessment is absolutely key to your success. You don't want to sink your chances of winning before you even get started!

There you have it. Follow these three steps and maybe, just maybe, you'll be able to cash in on your penny investment and become the godfather of Las Vegas for an entire weekend. If you want to hone your skills, may we suggest playing at Slots of Vegas casino today

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